37438 LA Highway 621, Prairieville, LA 70769
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Experienced Martial Arts Instructors in Prairieville

Tiger Martial Arts LLC karate lesson class instructor students

At Tiger Martial Arts LLC, our classes are comprised of children aged 7-14 and adults aged 14 and older. We teach the use of weapons at the advanced level, but this is not our primary focus. The art of Hapkido is our main focus of instruction. We begin with 4 basic foundation principles: Lower center, balance break, decreasing radius of circles and proper breathing which allows a small person to defeat larger opponent We will teach you how to handle spontaneous attacks, and how to be ready in your mind at all times. This will fully prepare you for safety and self-defense.

We invite you to call for a free lesson in which we introduce you to our specialized teaching methods. After you officially sign up, we will give you a uniform and a white belt. Be sure to come in your bare feet as the class is taught on mats! Stop into our Prairieville martial arts center to learn more about our martial arts classes today.

Our Instructors

Our instructors have over 60 years of combined experience in martial arts. All our instructors are constantly working to advance their knowledge in Hapkido.

Our main focus of instruction is Hapkido, Junior Hapkido, and Self-Defense.

Paul M. Johnson
Paul Johnson is the Master with a 5th Degree Black Belt in Hapkido. Paul is a member of the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation, and the Korea Ki Do Association in Hapkido Martial Arts. Although Paul has Black Belt degrees in other types of martial arts, his main focus is the art of Hapkido.

Paul M. Johnson

Paul M. Johnson, Jr.
Paul Johnson, Jr. is a Master with a 5th Degree Black Belt in Hapkido. Paul, Jr. is a member of the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation, and the Korea Ki Do Association in Hapkido Martial Arts. Paul, Jr. has Black Belt degrees in other martial arts, but his main focus the art of Hapkido.

Paul M. Johnson Jr.

On September 16th, 2017 Masters Paul Johnson and Paul Johnson Jr., were awarded their 5th Dan Black Belt by their Grand Master J.R. West.

5th Black Belt

Tiger Martial Arts is school # 2102 in the Korea Ki Do Association in Hapkido Martial Arts.

Class Times are subject to change due to Holidays, and Inclement weather. Facebook will keep you posted.

Class Times for the Adult Program
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Beginner Level – 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Intermediate Level: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Advanced Level: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

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